"Polycrisis" is a term coined by the World Economic Forum (WEF) in its Global Risks Report of January 2023. Polycrisis is a cluster of related global risks with compounding effects, such that the overall impact exceeds the sum of each part. "The interconnected nature of current and emerging risks threatens a polycrisis. Demand for food, water and energy are rising as a result of population growth and socioeconomic advancement. The expansion of renewable energy systems is creating an unprecedented demand for rare minerals and metals. The gap between demand and supply of these resources could have catastrophic consequences, including biodiversity loss, ecosystem collapse, trade wars and armed conflict between nations, the report warns."
Is this an innocent warning or the implemention of a plan by the "elite" billionaire globalist technocrats?
The technocratic vision of a digital future (biometric surveillance, central bank digital currency, and a global ID system) - variously known as "the fourth industrial revolution," "the green new deal," and "the great reset," - lacks any grounding in reality and has been proven to be impossible given the material resources available to us on planet Earth.
According to the Government of Canada, "the Disruptions on the Horizon 2024 report identifies and assesses 35 disruptions for which Canada may need to prepare and explores some of the interconnections between them. These disruptions are potential events and circumstances that could affect our society and the way it functions, as well as the way people live, work, and connect. Their impacts can be perceived as positive or negative, depending on one's perspective. Neglecting to consider them may lead to policy failure and missed opportunities. Thinking through possible disruptions when developing policies, programs, and strategies could help seize opportunities, navigate impacts, and minimize risks."
What exactly would be the "opportunities" or "positive impacts" of these disruptions? Who would gain from these "opportunities" or "positive impacts"?
In the Spring of 2021, The Public Health Agency of Canada launched a Behavioural Science Office (BeSciO) and released a report on persuasion tactics for compliance, raising ethical concerns about transparency in how taxpayer money is used to influence public behaviour. Is this just another tactic of modern psychological warfare, when a government coordinates and directs deployment of propaganda, censorship, and psychological operations?
Free speech is the most pragmatic tool we have for ascertaining truth. Only by examining all sides of an issue can the truth be chiseled out like a statue out of marble. We must defend all speech - whether untrue, hateful, or intolerable, as that is the only way to protect our right to understand the world. As soon as free speech is restricted, that restriction will be used to sway public opinion and move us closer to the digital global control grid.
Technocrats claim to know how to solve the social and economic problems of complex modern societies. But there is a fundamental flaw with technocracy: technocratic experts drastically oversimplify technocratic realities. Elites speak the language of human progress. But that is a smokescreen to bamboozle the masses that their radical impositions will create more abundance, more "clean energy," more "food security," more "equity and fairness", more geopolitical harmony and peace, etc. In fact, corruptly wealthy and manipulative technocrats have no real interest in making humankind more prosperous or more free.
We find ourselves at the precipice of a Technocratic Age where Artificial Intelligence, SMART Technology, and the Internet of Things are becoming a part of everyday life. This technology provides some benefits, but comes at a cost - corporations, governments, law enforcement, and hackers are all capable of peering into our lives at any moment. Corporations and governments are even learning to use technology in ways that allow them to be the 'engineers' of society. Thanks to stunning developments in the realm of artificial intelligence, a full spectrum planetary control grid is now well within reach. This is the essence of the Omniwar.
Click here to watch
an 11 minute overview
of Technocracy.
On Sep. 21, 2024 Catherine Austin Fitts, David A. Hughes, Patrick Wood, Lissa Johnson & Daniel Broudy held the first Omniwar Symposium that explains what Technocracy is, where it came from, how we can opt-out of the Technocratic State and learn practical solutions to avoid falling victim to the digital prison currently being built around humanity. Click here to watch the entire Symposium.
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